Breaking Up is Hard to Do
Breaking up is hard to do.
But it can also be one of the best things you do for yourself and your love life. If you’re skeptical, that’s understandable. But keep reading…you may be surprised
Are You Too Picky?
Have you ever wondered if you’re too picky? Many women ask themselves this when their frustration with men and dating is at an all time high. When it feels impossible to find a good man, it’s natural to wonder if the problem isn’t with the quality of men you meet but rather the bar that you set for them….since you are the common denominator in your dating life, it’s worth asking yourself what you’re contributing to the problem - are you too picky?
Dealing with Dating Anxiety
The world of dating and relationships can be anxiety producing even for the most confident individuals…Anxiety may seem like it is dominating your dating life right now, but it does not have to stay that way. Even severe dating anxiety can be improved and better managed…
4 Strategies for Fighting Fair
Good news - anyone can learn to manage conflict better, and the four key strategies we’ll discuss here will help you to do just that. And “manage” really is the operative word here, as renowned relationship researcher Dr. John Gottman would tell you. There’s no sense in trying to eliminate conflict. To do so only results in avoiding problems or burying hurt feelings, which only breeds resentment and delays the inevitable conflict. This is why the first key strategy for managing conflict and “fighting fair” is to engage with conflict rather than avoid it.
Dating Goals: How knowing what you want can transform your love life.
Dating can be difficult and frustrating at times, but when you take ownership of what you want out of dating, it’s much more likely to be an exciting, healthy, and rewarding process. Here’s how you can take inventory of your dating and relationships (as well as your own self) so that you can have the love life you’ve been wanting.